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family education & continued care
Welcome to the family education and support at Front Porch
Front Porch Recovery firmly believes in the the entire family/ loved one system being involved in the recovery process. Why? Because you've also been affected by the addictive process. By the time one warrants residential, the entire system is generally exhausted and frankly done with it all. We know, just like your loved one can heal with the right support, so can the family system.
None of us happen in a vacuum but instead are raised in a family constellation, which integrates both genetics and environment. This is not to lay blame but instead to create the right frame around illness. Like heart conditions or diabetes, addiction also has both genetic AND environmental (decisions) components. Do we blame those with diabetes for having that disease, even when we are aware that they haven't followed medical recommendations?
Like an Heirloom tomato, recovery, like illness, grows over generations. We can pass down our illness through generations or we can pass down our healing. What do you want to pass down?